374 research outputs found

    General Fragmentation Trees

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    We show that the genealogy of any self-similar fragmentation process can be encoded in a compact measured real tree. Under some Malthusian hypotheses, we compute the fractal Hausdorff dimension of this tree through the use of a natural measure on the set of its leaves. This generalizes previous work of Haas and Miermont which was restricted to conservative fragmentation processes

    On the exponential functional of Markov Additive Processes, and applications to multi-type self-similar fragmentation processes and trees

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    A Markov Additive Process is a bi-variate Markov process (ξ,J)=((ξt,Jt),t0)(\xi,J)=\big((\xi_t,J_t),t\geq0\big) which should be thought of as a multi-type L\'evy process: the second component JJ is a Markov chain on a finite space {1,,K}\{1,\ldots,K\}, and the first component ξ\xi behaves locally as a L\'evy process, with local dynamics depending on JJ. In the subordinator-like case where ξ\xi is nondecreasing, we establish several results concerning the moments of ξ\xi and of its exponential functional Iξ=0eξtdt,I_{\xi}=\int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-\xi_t}\mathrm dt, extending the work of Carmona et al., and Bertoin and Yor. We then apply these results to the study of multi-type self-similar fragmentation processes: these are self-similar analogues of Bertoin's homogeneous multi-type fragmentation processes Notably, we encode the genealogy of the process in a tree, and under some Malthusian hypotheses, compute its Hausdorff dimension in a generalisation of our previous work.Comment: Minor corrections and typo

    Holistic and leadership approaches to international regulation: confronting nature conservation and developmental challenges. A response to Farnese

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    International nature protection law has developed without a coherent plan, with disparate governance instruments each largely evolving within their own separate sphere. Yet, many other issues are closely linked to the challenges of nature degradation, such as developmental challenges, climate change, food security and food safety, disease prevention and rural poverty . These interconnections have partly been recognized in Agenda 21 and more recently in the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. This response draws on and extrapolates further the conclusions of Farnese in ‘The Prevention Imperative’, published in this issue, of Transnational Environmental Law and argues for a more coherent approach and effective leadership in this area of global regulation along with a more flexible and holistic approach to governance responses

    Scaling limits of k-ary growing trees

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    For each integer k2k \geq 2, we introduce a sequence of kk-ary discrete trees constructed recursively by choosing at each step an edge uniformly among the present edges and grafting on "its middle" k1k-1 new edges. When k=2k=2, this corresponds to a well-known algorithm which was first introduced by R\'emy. Our main result concerns the asymptotic behavior of these trees as nn becomes large: for all kk, the sequence of kk-ary trees grows at speed n1/kn^{1/k} towards a kk-ary random real tree that belongs to the family of self-similar fragmentation trees. This convergence is proved with respect to the Gromov-Hausdorff-Prokhorov topology. We also study embeddings of the limiting trees when kk varies

    Theoretical And Experimental Studies Of Collision-Induced Electronic Energy Transfer From v=0-3 Of The E(0g+) Ion-Pair State Of Br2: Collisions With He And Ar

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    Collisions of Br(2), prepared in the E(0(g)(+)) ion-pair (IP) electronic state, with He or Ar result in electronic energy transfer to the D, D(\u27), and beta IP states. These events have been examined in experimental and theoretical investigations. Experimentally, analysis of the wavelength resolved emission spectra reveals the distribution of population in the vibrational levels of the final electronic states and the relative efficiencies of He and Ar collisions in promoting a specific electronic energy transfer channel. Theoretically, semiempirical rare gas-Br(2) potential energy surfaces and diabatic couplings are used in quantum scattering calculations of the state-to-state rate constants for electronic energy transfer and distributions of population in the final electronic state vibrational levels. Agreement between theory and experiment is excellent. Comparison of the results with those obtained for similar processes in the IP excited I(2) molecule points to the general importance of Franck-Condon effects in determining vibrational populations, although this effect is more important for He collisions than for Ar collisions

    Effects of Acute Stress on Psychophysiology in Armed Tactical Occupations: A Narrative Review

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    The ability to perform under extreme pressure is one of the most sought-after qualities in both sports and tactical (military, law enforcement, fire, and rescue, etc.) occupations. While tactical performance relies on both physical and mental capabilities to achieve a desired outcome, it is often hampered by the stressful environments in which these personnel work. The acute stress experienced by tactical personnel can interfere with occupational performance, impacting both physical execution of tasks and decision-making. This narrative review discusses the implications of acute stress on the psychophysiology and physical performance of personnel serving in armed tactical occupations